Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
Auckland, New Zealand
Monday 03 - Thursday 06 September, 2018
All Together Better Health IX (ATBH IX) is the leading global interprofessional education and collaborative practice conference under the direction of The World Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Coordinating Committee.
Every two years the ATBH conference provides an opportunity for participants to discuss ideas and devise and test strategies to mobilise concerted action to improve health and wellbeing for individuals, families and communities across the world. ATBH is driven by the conviction that concerted action to improve working together will effect change, enhance quality of care, ensure safety, and optimise deployment of human resources. We are pleased to be hosting the 9th ATBH conference in Auckland. Previous conferences in the All Together Better Health series have been held in Kobe, Japan; Sydney, Australia; Stockholm, Sweden; London, England; Vancouver, British Columbia; Pittsburgh, USA and Oxford, England. Whether you are a practitioner, service user, student, academic, manager, policy maker or researcher, the ATBH IX conference will inspire and be an opportunity to compare perspectives, exchange experiences, share expertise and transform current understandings. The overarching theme of the conference is Transforming the Landscape of Healthcare - Ohomairangi te Hauora Manaaki. The sub themes look to explore and share learning from Māori, Pacific and indigenous peoples around the world; the specifics of day-to-day interprofessional care and education; interprofessional transformation and whether we making a difference; roles within interprofessional healthcare teams including those of patients/clients; and the social, political, economic and cultural influences on interprofessional working. |
Ohomairangi te Hauora Manaaki
Transforming the Landscape of Healthcare
Oho |
Mairangi | Ohomairangi | Te Hauora | Manaaki | |
awakening, creating, bringing forth (something new)
celestial light, in this context - bring to light these new ideas or approaches bringing forth or creating new/innovative ideas within health care, caring |
Whakatauki | Māori Proverb
Me ka moemoea au, ko au anake
If I dream, only I achieve |
Me ka moemoea e tatau, ka taia e tatau
If we dream together, we all achieve |
Page photo by Sara Orme